All files / scripts/publish dependencies.ts

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import type { PackageInfo } from '../monorepo/packages'
type Graph = Record<string, ReturnType<typeof parsePkg>>
export function parsePkg(pkg: PackageInfo) {
  const dependencies: string[] = []
  const devDependencies: string[] = []
  const peerDependencies: string[] = []
  // 获取运行时依赖(dependencies)
  if (pkg.manifest.dependencies) {
    Object.keys(pkg.manifest.dependencies).forEach((dep) => {
      const version = pkg.manifest.dependencies[dep]
      if (version.startsWith('workspace:')) {
  // 获取开发时依赖(devDependencies)
  if (pkg.manifest.devDependencies) {
    Object.keys(pkg.manifest.devDependencies).forEach((dep) => {
      const version = pkg.manifest.devDependencies[dep]
      if (version.startsWith('workspace:')) {
  // peerDependencies
  if (pkg.manifest.peerDependencies) {
    Object.keys(pkg.manifest.peerDependencies).forEach((dep) => {
      const version = pkg.manifest.peerDependencies[dep]
      if (version.startsWith('workspace:')) {
  return { dependencies, devDependencies, peerDependencies }
// 获取包的依赖图,区分开发时依赖和运行时依赖
export function buildDependencyGraph(packages: PackageInfo[]) {
  const graph: Graph = {}
  packages.forEach((pkg) => {
    // 添加到图中
    graph[] = parsePkg(pkg)
  return graph
// 拓扑排序算法
function topologicalSort(packages: PackageInfo[], graph: Graph) {
  const visited = new Set<string>()
  const order: PackageInfo[] = []
  const packagesNames = =>
  // 先发布没有依赖的包
  function visit(pkgName: string) {
    if (visited.has(pkgName))
    // 先发布运行时依赖(因为它们是生产环境的依赖)
    const pkg = graph[pkgName]
    // 然后发布开发时依赖(它们不会影响生产环境,但需要优先处理开发环境)
    // 最后将当前包添加到发布顺序中
  // 从所有包开始遍历
  packages.forEach((pkg) => {
    if (!visited.has( {
  return order // 返回发布顺序
// 根据依赖关系计算发布顺序
export function getPublishOrder(packages: PackageInfo[]) {
  const graph = buildDependencyGraph(packages)
  return topologicalSort(packages, graph)