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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 | import type { ParsedCommit, Tag } from '../git-utils/tags' import path from 'node:path' import process from 'node:process' import chalk from 'chalk' import { x } from 'tinyexec' import { gitCommit } from '../git-utils/commit' import { GitTagParser } from '../git-utils/tags' import { detectMonorepo } from '../monorepo/detect' import { findPackages } from '../monorepo/packages' import { createFile } from '../utils/file' /* eslint-disable unused-imports/no-unused-vars */ const commitTypes = [ { value: 'feat', name: '🚀 Features: 新功能', emoji: '🚀' }, { value: 'perf', name: '🔥 Performance: 性能优化', emoji: '🔥' }, { value: 'fix', name: '🩹 Fixes: 缺陷修复', emoji: '🩹' }, { value: 'refactor', name: '💅 Refactors: 代码重构', emoji: '💅' }, { value: 'docs', name: '📖 Documentation: 文档', emoji: '📖' }, { value: 'build', name: '📦 Build: 构建工具', emoji: '📦' }, { value: 'types', name: '🌊 Types: 类型定义', emoji: '🌊' }, { value: 'chore', name: '🏡 Chore: 简修处理', emoji: '🏡' }, { value: 'examples', name: '🏀 Examples: 例子展示', emoji: '🏀' }, { value: 'test', name: '✅ Tests: 测试用例', emoji: '✅' }, { value: 'style', name: '🎨 Styles: 代码风格', emoji: '🎨' }, { value: 'ci', name: '🤖 CI: 持续集成', emoji: '🤖' }, { value: 'init', name: '🎉 Init: 项目初始化', emoji: '🎉' }, ] // 根据提交类型生成 changelog export function generateChangelog(commits: ParsedCommit[], title = 'Changelog'): string { // 按时间排序 const sortedCommits = commits.sort((a, b) => ( ?? 0) - ( ?? 0)) const changelog: string[] = [`## ${title}`] // 根据类型分类 commitTypes.forEach(({ value, name, emoji }, index) => { const filteredCommits = sortedCommits.filter(commit => commit.type === value) if (filteredCommits.length > 0) { changelog.push(`\n### ${name}\n`) filteredCommits.forEach((commit) => { let sha = commit.sha ? `(${commit.sha})` : undefined sha = sha?.padStart(sha.length + 1, ' ') || '' let author = ? `- by @${}` : undefined author = author?.padStart(author.length + 1, ' ') || '' changelog.push(`- ${commit.raw}${author}${sha}`) }) } }) changelog.length && changelog.push(`${changelog.pop()}\n`) // 在最后添加换行 return changelog.join('\n') } function getAllTags(tag: Tag): Tag[] { const tags: Tag[] = [tag] // 初始化一个包含当前标签的数组 // 如果有 `pre` 标签,递归调用 if (tag.pre) { tags.push(...getAllTags(tag.pre)) // 合并结果 } return tags } /** * 重建整个项目的 changelog */ export async function resetChangelog() { const parser = new GitTagParser() await parser.fetchTags() console.log('Checking monorepo structure...')) const monorepo = await detectMonorepo() if (!monorepo) { console.log('Not a pnpm monorepo project')) return process.exit(1) } const allPackages = await findPackages(monorepo) const publishable = allPackages.filter(p => !p.private) for (const pkg of publishable) { const currTag = `${}@${pkg.version}` const prevTag = await parser.getPreviousTag(currTag, true, true) if (prevTag) { const tagsInfo = getAllTags(prevTag).reverse() const tags = [ => item.tag), currTag] const changelogs: string[] = [] for (let index = 0; index < tags.length; index++) { const currentTag = tags[index]! const prevTag = tags[index - 1] const commits = await parser.getCommitsBetweenTags(currentTag, prevTag, true) changelogs.push(generateChangelog(commits, currentTag)) } // TODO: 可以选择拆分更新日志至细分文件 const changelogPath = createFile(path.join(pkg.path, ''), changelogs.reverse().join('\n'), { cover: true }) await x('npx', ['eslint', '--fix', changelogPath]) const commitMsg = `chore(changelog): ${}@{${parser.extractScopeProjectVersion(tagsInfo[0]!.tag).version}..${pkg.version}}` await gitCommit([changelogPath], commitMsg) } } } |