All files / packages/utils/dist index.d.mts

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import { MapArray, MapTuple } from '@https-enable/types';
declare const isWindows: boolean;
declare function camelCase(name: string): string;
declare const WindowsSlashRE: RegExp;
 * windows 盘符
 * @description 匹配 `x:/` 或 `x:\\` 开头的文本
 * @description 最好先将 windows下的路径转换为 posix 风格,否则由于字符串斜杠转义问题,可能会导致正则匹配失败
declare const WindowsDiskRE: RegExp;
declare const ColorStringRE: RegExp;
interface ProjectOptions {
   * Project root directory. Can be an absolute path, or a path relative from
   * the location of the config file itself.
   * @default process.cwd()
  root?: string
   * 由哪个文件导入,调用方的绝对路径
   * @description 可选,如果不传则会自动获取
   * @description 如要手动传递,则必须传入 `import.meta.url`
   * @default undefined
  callerId?: string
   * 兜底未知文件作为 raw 处理
  fallback?: boolean
interface ImportGlobOptions<
  Eager extends boolean,
  AsType extends string,
> {
   * Import type for the import url.
   * @deprecated Use `query` instead, e.g. `as: 'url'` -> `query: '?url', import: 'default'`
  as?: AsType
   * Import as static or dynamic
   * @default false
  eager?: Eager
   * Import only the specific named export. Set to `default` to import the default export.
  import?: string
   * Custom queries
   * @deprecated 暂时没有使用场景
  query?: string | Record<string, string | number | boolean>
   * Search files also inside `node_modules/` and hidden directories (e.g. `.git/`). This might have impact on performance.
   * @default false
  exhaustive?: boolean
interface KnownAsTypeMap {
  raw: string
  url: string
  worker: Worker
declare const importGlob: <Eager extends boolean, As extends keyof KnownAsTypeMap | string, T = As extends keyof KnownAsTypeMap ? KnownAsTypeMap[As] : unknown>(pattern: string | string[], options?: ImportGlobOptions<Eager, As> & ProjectOptions) => Promise<(Eager extends true ? true : false) extends true ? Record<string, T> : Record<string, () => Promise<T>>>;
 * 将相对路径的 glob 模式转换为绝对路径的 glob 模式
 * @param glob - glob 模式(可能包含相对路径或绝对路径)
 * @param root - 根目录
 * @param importer - 导入文件路径(可选)
 * @returns 转换后的绝对路径 glob 模式
declare function toAbsoluteGlob(glob: string, root: string, importer: string | undefined): string;
declare function globSafePath(path: string): string;
declare function slash(p: string): string;
declare function normalizePath(id: string): string;
declare function getCommonBase(globsResolved: string[]): null | string;
 * 处理绝对路径
declare function parseAbsolute(pathStr?: string | null): string | null | undefined;
 * 获取调用方文件路径
declare function getCallerPath(depth?: number): string | null;
interface IsStreamOptions {
     * When this option is `true`, the method returns `false` if the stream has already been closed.
     * @default true
    checkOpen?: boolean;
declare function isStream(stream: any, { checkOpen }?: IsStreamOptions): boolean;
declare function strEnum<T extends string>(o: Array<T>): {
    [K in T]: K;
declare function numEnum<T extends string>(arr: Array<T>): MapArray<T>;
declare function numEnum<const T extends readonly string[]>(arr: T): MapTuple<T>;
declare function isNil(value?: any, emptyStringCheck?: boolean): boolean;
export { ColorStringRE, type IsStreamOptions, WindowsDiskRE, WindowsSlashRE, camelCase, getCallerPath, getCommonBase, globSafePath, importGlob, isNil, isStream, isWindows, normalizePath, numEnum, parseAbsolute, slash, strEnum, toAbsoluteGlob };