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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | import { Prettify } from '@https-enable/types'; export { Prettify } from '@https-enable/types'; import { CertificateAuthorityOptions } from 'mkcert'; type CertFile = 'key' | 'cert' type Certificate = Record<CertFile, string> type CertificatePath = Prettify<Record<CertFile, string>> | { base: string } interface VerifyResult { match: boolean message: string } interface VerifyOptions { host: string port: number | string rejectUnauthorized?: boolean } type CreateOptions = Prettify<CertificateAuthorityOptions & { domains: string[] | string, force: boolean }> declare const defaultCertificateBasePath: string; declare function processCertPath(certPath?: Partial<CertificatePath>): { keyPath: string; certPath: string; }; declare function readCertificate(options?: CertificatePath): { key: string; cert: string; } | null; /** * 在项目根目录下创建一个 mkcert 目录,用于存放生成的证书和密钥文件 */ declare function saveCertificate(cert: string, key: string, options?: CertificatePath): { keyPath: string; certPath: string; }; declare function createCertificate(_options: CreateOptions, pathOptions?: CertificatePath, isCache?: boolean): Promise<Certificate>; declare function verifyCertificateByTLS(options: Prettify<VerifyOptions & Certificate>): void; declare function verifyCertificateValidityByTLS(options: Prettify<VerifyOptions>): void; declare function verifyCertificate(keyPem: string, certPem: string): Promise<{ match: boolean; message: string; }>; declare function initSSLCertificate(options: CreateOptions, pathOptions?: CertificatePath): Promise<{ key: string; cert: string; }>; declare function defineCertificate(options?: Pick<CreateOptions, 'validity'> & Partial<Omit<CreateOptions, 'validity'>>, pathOptions?: CertificatePath): Promise<{ key: string; cert: string; }>; export { type Certificate, type CertificatePath, type CreateOptions, type VerifyOptions, type VerifyResult, createCertificate, defaultCertificateBasePath, defineCertificate, initSSLCertificate, processCertPath, readCertificate, saveCertificate, verifyCertificate, verifyCertificateByTLS, verifyCertificateValidityByTLS }; |