All files / packages/logger/src/format format.ts

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import type { format as FormatFunc, TransformFunction } from './type'
 * Displays a helpful message and the source of
 * the format when it is invalid.
class InvalidFormatError extends Error {
  // eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-unsafe-function-type
  constructor(formatFn: Function) {
    super(`Format functions must be synchronous taking two arguments: (info, opts)
Found: ${formatFn.toString().split('\n')[0]}\n`)
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidFormatError)
 * function format (formatFn)
 * Returns a create function for the `formatFn`.
const format = function<T extends Record<any, any>>(formatFn: TransformFunction<T>) {
  if (formatFn.length > 2) {
    throw new InvalidFormatError(formatFn)
   * function Format (options)
   * Base prototype which calls a `_format`
   * function and pushes the result.
  class Format {
    options?: T
    constructor(options: T = {} as T) {
      this.options = options
    transform = formatFn
  // Create a function which returns new instances of
  // Format for simple syntax like:
  // require('winston').formats.json();
  function createFormatWrap(opts?: T) {
    return new Format(opts)
  // Expose the Format through the create function
  // for testability.
  createFormatWrap.Format = Format
  return createFormatWrap
export default format as unknown as FormatFunc