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import { FormatKeys } from '@https-enable/colors';
import { MapTuple, Prettify } from '@https-enable/types';
import stream from 'node:stream';
interface UncolorizeOptions {
     * Disables the uncolorize format for `info.level` if set to `false`.
    level?: boolean;
     * Disables the uncolorize format for `info.message` if set to `false`.
    message?: boolean;
     * Disables the uncolorize format for `info[MESSAGE]` if set to `false`.
    raw?: boolean;
declare const _default$g: FormatWrap<UncolorizeOptions>;
interface TimestampOptions {
     * Either the format as a string accepted by the [fecha](
     * module or a function that returns a formatted date. If no format is provided `new
     * Date().toISOString()` will be used.
    format?: string | (() => string);
     * The name of an alias for the timestamp property, that will be added to the `info` object.
    alias?: string;
declare const _default$f: FormatWrap<TimestampOptions>;
declare class Splatter {
     * 检查 tokens <= splat.length,将 { splat, meta } 分配到 `info` 中,并写入此实例。
     * @param info Logform 信息消息。
     * @param tokens 一组字符串插值标记。
     * @returns 修改后的信息消息
     * @private
    private _splat;
     * 使用 `util.format` 完成 `info.message` 提供的 `info` 消息。
     * 如果没有标记,则 `info` 是不可变的。
     * @param info Logform 信息消息。
     * @returns 修改后的信息消息
    transform: TransformFunction;
declare const _default$e: () => Splatter;
declare const _default$d: FormatWrap<Record<any, any>>;
type TemplateFn = (info: TransformableInfo) => any;
declare class Printf {
    template: TemplateFn;
    constructor(templateFn: TemplateFn);
    transform: TransformFunction;
declare const _default$c: (templateFn: TemplateFn) => Printf;
interface PrettyPrintOptions {
     * A `number` that specifies the maximum depth of the `info` object being stringified by
     * `util.inspect`. Defaults to `2`.
    depth?: number;
     * Colorizes the message if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
    colorize?: boolean;
declare const _default$b: FormatWrap<PrettyPrintOptions>;
interface PadLevelsOptions {
     * Log levels. Defaults to `configs.npm.levels` from [triple-beam](
     * module.
    levels?: Record<string, number>;
    filler?: string;
declare class Padder {
    paddings: Record<string, string>;
    options: PadLevelsOptions;
    constructor(opts?: PadLevelsOptions);
     * Returns the maximum length of keys in the specified `levels` Object.
     * @param levels Set of all levels to calculate longest level against.
     * @returns Maximum length of the longest level string.
    static getLongestLevel(levels: Record<string, any>): number;
     * Returns the padding for the specified `level` assuming that the
     * maximum length of all levels it's associated with is `maxLength`.
     * @param level Level to calculate padding for.
     * @param filler Repeatable text to use for padding.
     * @param maxLength Length of the longest level
     * @returns Padding string for the `level`
    static paddingForLevel(level: string, filler: string, maxLength: number): string;
     * Returns an object with the string paddings for the given `levels`
     * using the specified `filler`.
     * @param levels Set of all levels to calculate padding for.
     * @param filler Repeatable text to use for padding.
     * @returns Mapping of level to desired padding.
    static paddingForLevels(levels: Record<string, any>, filler?: string): Record<string, string>;
     * Prepends the padding onto the `message` based on the `LEVEL` of
     * the `info`. This is based on the behavior of `winston@2` which also
     * prepended the level onto the message.
     * See:
     * @param info Logform info object
     * @param opts Options passed along to this instance.
     * @returns Modified logform info object.
    transform: TransformFunction<PadLevelsOptions>;
declare const _default$a: (opts: PadLevelsOptions) => Padder;
declare const _default$9: FormatWrap<Record<any, any>>;
interface MetadataOptions {
     * The name of the key used for the metadata object. Defaults to `metadata`.
    key?: string;
     * An array of keys that should not be added to the metadata object.
    fillExcept?: string[];
     * An array of keys that will be added to the metadata object.
    fillWith?: string[];
 * Adds in a "metadata" object to collect extraneous data, similar to the metadata
 * object in winston 2.x.
declare const _default$8: FormatWrap<MetadataOptions>;
declare const _default$7: FormatWrap<Record<any, any>>;
interface LabelOptions {
     * A label to be added before the message.
    label?: string;
     * If set to `true` the `label` will be added to `info.message`. If set to `false` the `label`
     * will be added as `info.label`.
    message?: boolean;
declare const _default$6: FormatWrap<LabelOptions>;
interface JsonOptions {
     * A function that influences how the `info` is stringified.
    replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any;
     * The number of white space used to format the json.
    space?: number;
     * If `true`, bigint values are converted to a number. Otherwise, they are ignored.
     * This option is ignored by default as Logform stringifies BigInt in the default replacer.
     * @default true
    bigint?: boolean;
     * Defines the value for circular references.
     * Set to `undefined`, circular properties are not serialized (array entries are replaced with null).
     * Set to `Error`, to throw on circular references.
     * @default "[Circular]"
    circularValue?: string | null | TypeErrorConstructor | ErrorConstructor;
     * If `true`, guarantee a deterministic key order instead of relying on the insertion order.
     * @default true
    deterministic?: boolean;
     * Maximum number of entries to serialize per object (at least one).
     * The serialized output contains information about how many entries have not been serialized.
     * Ignored properties are counted as well (e.g., properties with symbol values).
     * Using the array replacer overrules this option.
     * @default Infinity
    maximumBreadth?: number;
     * Maximum number of object nesting levels (at least 1) that will be serialized.
     * Objects at the maximum level are serialized as `"[Object]"` and arrays as `"[Array]"`.
     * @default Infinity
    maximumDepth?: number;
declare const _default$5: FormatWrap<JsonOptions>;
interface ErrorsOptions {
     * If `true`, the `Error` object's `stack` property will be appended to the `info` object.
    stack?: boolean;
     * If `true`, the `Error` object's `cause` property will be appended to the `info` object.
    cause?: boolean;
declare const _default$4: FormatWrap<ErrorsOptions>;
declare const LEVEL: unique symbol;
declare const MESSAGE: unique symbol;
declare const SPLAT: unique symbol;
 * 简易日志级别
 * @description 供外部使用
declare const SimpleLevelTuple: readonly ["ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG"];
type ColorMap = Record<string, string | string[]>;
interface ColorizeOptions {
     * If set to `true` the color will be applied to the `level`.
    level?: boolean;
     * If set to `true` the color will be applied to the `message` and `level`.
    all?: boolean;
     * If set to `true` the color will be applied to the `message`.
    message?: boolean;
     * An object containing the colors for the log levels. For example: `{ info: 'blue', error: 'red' }`.
    colors?: Record<string, FormatKeys>;
 * 颜色处理器类
declare class Colorizer {
    static allColors: Record<string, FormatKeys[] | FormatKeys>;
    options: ColorizeOptions;
    constructor(opts?: ColorizeOptions);
     * 添加颜色配置到静态属性
    static addColors(colors: ColorMap): Record<string, FormatKeys | FormatKeys[]>;
     * 实例方法添加颜色配置
    addColors(colors: ColorMap): Record<string, FormatKeys | FormatKeys[]>;
     * 执行颜色处理的核心方法
    private colorize;
     * 转换日志信息的入口方法
    transform: TransformFunction<ColorizeOptions>;
declare const _default$3: (opts?: ColorizeOptions) => Colorizer;
type Format = InstanceType<format['Format']>;
declare function combine(...formats: Format[]): FormatClass<Record<any, any>>;
type CliFormatOptions = ColorizeOptions & PadLevelsOptions;
 * Cli format class that handles initial state for a separate
 * Colorizer and Padder instance.
declare class CliFormat {
    colorizer: Colorizer;
    padder: Padder;
    options: CliFormatOptions;
    constructor(opts?: CliFormatOptions);
    transform: TransformFunction<CliFormatOptions>;
declare const _default$2: (opts: CliFormatOptions) => CliFormat;
declare const _default$1: FormatWrap<Record<any, any>>;
interface TransformableInfo {
  level: string
  message?: string
  [LEVEL]?: string
  [MESSAGE]?: any
  [SPLAT]?: any
  [key: string | symbol]: any
type TransformFunction<T extends Record<any, any> = Record<any, any>> = (info: TransformableInfo, opts?: T) => TransformableInfo
declare class FormatClass<T extends Record<any, any> = Record<any, any>> {
  constructor(options: T = {} as T)
  options?: T
  transform: TransformFunction<T>
interface FormatWrap<T extends Record<any, any>> {
  (opts?: T): FormatClass<T>
  Format: typeof FormatClass<T>
interface format<T extends Record<any, any> = Record<any, any>> {
  <P extends T>(transform: TransformFunction<P>): FormatWrap<P>
  Format: typeof FormatClass<T>
  align: typeof _default$1
  cli: typeof _default$2
  combine: typeof combine
  colorize: typeof _default$3
  errors: typeof _default$4
  json: typeof _default$5
  label: typeof _default$6
  logstash: typeof _default$7
  metadata: typeof _default$8
  ms: typeof _default$9
  padLevels: typeof _default$a
  prettyPrint: typeof _default$b
  printf: typeof _default$c
  simple: typeof _default$d
  splat: typeof _default$e
  timestamp: typeof _default$f
  uncolorize: typeof _default$g
declare const _default: format;
declare abstract class Transport<T extends TransportBaseOptions> {
    level?: LogEntry['level'];
    protected eol?: string;
    protected name?: string;
    protected levels: Record<string, number>;
    protected options: T;
    constructor(options: T);
    protected shouldLog(level: string, force?: boolean): boolean;
    protected selfFormat(options?: {
        level: LogEntry['level'];
        message: string;
    }): TransformableInfo | undefined;
    abstract log(info: TransformableInfo, callback?: TransportErrorCallback, options?: {
        level: LogEntry['level'];
        message: string;
    }, force?: boolean): void;
interface TransportErrorCallback {
  (error?: Error): void
type TransportInstance<T extends TransportBaseOptions = object> = InstanceType<typeof Transport<T>>
type TransportInstanceLog<T extends TransportBaseOptions = object> = TransportInstance<T>['log']
interface TransportBaseOptions {
  name?: string
  level?: LogEntry['level']
  levels?: Record<keyof LogLevel, number>
  format?: FormatClass
  eol?: string
interface ConsoleTransportOptions extends TransportBaseOptions {
interface WritableStream extends stream.Writable {
  _writableState?: stream.StreamOptions<WritableStream>
interface StreamTransportOptions extends TransportBaseOptions {
  stream?: WritableStream
type LogLevel = MapTuple<typeof SimpleLevelTuple>
type LogLevelKey = keyof LogLevel
interface LoggerOptions {
  level?: LogLevelKey
  levels?: Record<LogLevelKey, number>
  /** 静音 */
  silent?: boolean
  /** 是否是隐式log */
  isImplicit?: boolean
  format?: FormatClass
  transports?: TransportInstance[] | TransportInstance
interface LogEntry {
  level: LogLevelKey
  message: string
  [optionName: string]: any
interface LogOptions {
  /** 是否强制输出 | 无视 level 和 isImplicit 和 silent */
  force?: boolean
   * 是否是隐式log
   * @description 优先级最高,只有为undefined时才会遵从父级配置
  isImplicit?: boolean
  /** 静音 */
  silent?: boolean
declare class ConsoleTransport extends Transport<ConsoleTransportOptions> {
    constructor(options?: ConsoleTransportOptions);
    log: TransportInstanceLog;
declare class StreamTransport extends Transport<StreamTransportOptions> {
    stream: NodeJS.WritableStream;
    isObjectMode: boolean;
    constructor(options?: StreamTransportOptions);
    log: TransportInstanceLog;
declare const transports: {
    Console: typeof ConsoleTransport;
    Stream: typeof StreamTransport;
declare class Logger {
    private level;
    private levels;
    private silent;
    private transports;
     * 是否是隐式log
     * @description 隐式 log 全局兜底
     * @default false
    private isImplicit;
    format: ReturnType<typeof Logger.createLogFormat>;
    constructor(options?: Prettify<LoggerOptions>);
    static createLogFormat(colorize?: boolean, label?: string): FormatClass<Record<any, any>>;
    updateLogFormat: (colorize?: boolean) => void;
    private log;
    private shouldLog;
    debug(message?: string, options?: Prettify<LogOptions>): void;
    info(message?: string, options?: Prettify<LogOptions>): void;
    warn(message?: string, options?: Prettify<LogOptions>): void;
    error(message?: string, options?: Prettify<LogOptions>): void;
export { Logger, transports as Transports, Logger as default, _default as format };