All files / packages/core/dist index.d.mts

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import { Certificate, Prettify as Prettify$1, CreateOptions, CertificatePath, VerifyOptions } from '@https-enable/mkcert';
import { Prettify, MakeOnlyRequired } from '@https-enable/types';
import http$1 from 'node:http';
import http2 from 'node:http2';
import https from 'node:https';
import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
import * as http from 'http';
interface CertificateEvents {
    'cert-renewed': [Certificate];
type HttpsEnablerEvents = {
    error: [any];
} & CertificateEvents;
 * @param app
 * @param options
 * @link
declare function samePortSSL(app: AppType, options: SamePortOptions): Promise<{
    isAlive: boolean;
     * Kill the server
     * @returns A promise that resolves when the server ends
    kill(): Promise<void>;
     * Change the server options
     * @param newOptions The new server options
     * @param newOptions.cert cert content
     * @param newOptions.key key content
    refresh(newOptions: {
        cert: string;
        key: string;
    }): Promise<http$1.Server<typeof http$1.IncomingMessage, typeof http$1.ServerResponse> | undefined>;
type ServerInstance = Prettify<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof samePortSSL>>>;
type CertificateManagerOptions = Prettify$1<MakeOnlyRequired<CreateOptions, 'validity' | 'domains'> & CertificatePath & { cache?: boolean }>
type ServerOptions = Prettify$1<VerifyOptions>
type SamePortOptions = Prettify$1<ServerOptions & Certificate &
   * http 301 重定向至 https
   * @default false
    redirect?: boolean
type RawServerBase = http$1.Server | https.Server | http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer
 * The default request type based on the server type. Utilizes generic constraining.
type RawRequestDefaultExpression<
  RawServer extends RawServerBase = RawServerDefault,
> = RawServer extends http$1.Server | https.Server ? http$1.IncomingMessage
  : RawServer extends http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer ? http2.Http2ServerRequest
    : never
 * The default reply type based on the server type. Utilizes generic constraining.
type RawReplyDefaultExpression<
  RawServer extends RawServerBase = RawServerDefault,
> = RawServer extends http$1.Server | https.Server ? http$1.ServerResponse
  : RawServer extends http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer ? http2.Http2ServerResponse
    : never
type AppType = http$1.RequestListener<typeof http$1.IncomingMessage, typeof http$1.ServerResponse> | ((req: RawRequestDefaultExpression<RawServerBase>, res: RawReplyDefaultExpression<RawServerBase>) => any)
type MiddlewareType = any
declare class CertificateManager extends EventEmitter<CertificateEvents> {
    protected options: Prettify<CreateOptions & {
        cache?: boolean;
    protected pathOptions: CertificatePath;
    currentCert: Certificate | null;
    constructor(options: CertificateManagerOptions);
     * 初始化证书(生成或加载现有)
    initialize(force?: boolean): Promise<Certificate | null>;
    validCert(): Promise<{
        match: boolean;
        message: string;
    } | null>;
     * 确保当前证书有效
     * @description 无效证书则自动重新创建
    ensureValidCert(): Promise<void>;
    private generateNewCert;
    private loadExistingCert;
declare abstract class HttpsAdapter<App extends AppType, Middleware = MiddlewareType> {
    app?: (App | null) | undefined;
    serverInstance: ServerInstance | null;
    constructor(app?: (App | null) | undefined);
     * 创建框架特定的中间件
    abstract createMiddleware?: (options: ServerOptions) => Middleware;
     * 重置证书时通知
    abstract onCertRenewed?: (certificate: Certificate) => any;
    /** 特殊后端框架可以使用这个自定义返回 app */
    abstract init?: () => Promise<App>;
     * 启动 HTTPS 服务(可选,部分框架需要自定义逻辑)
    createServer(options: SamePortOptions, app?: App): Promise<{
        isAlive: boolean;
        kill: () => Promise<void>;
        refresh: (newOptions: {
            cert: string;
            key: string;
        }) => Promise<http.Server<typeof http.IncomingMessage, typeof http.ServerResponse> | undefined>;
declare class HttpsEnabler<App extends AppType, Middleware = MiddlewareType> extends EventEmitter<HttpsEnablerEvents> {
    adapter: HttpsAdapter<App, Middleware>;
    protected options: Prettify<ServerOptions & {
         * http 301 重定向至 https
        redirect?: boolean;
    protected certificateOptions: CertificateManagerOptions;
    protected certManager: CertificateManager;
    constructor(config: {
        adapter: typeof HttpsEnabler.prototype.adapter;
        options: typeof HttpsEnabler.prototype.options;
        certificateOptions: typeof HttpsEnabler.prototype.certificateOptions;
    init(): Promise<void>;
     * 生成框架特定的中间件
    middleware(): Middleware | undefined;
    refresh(options: Certificate): Promise<http.Server<typeof http.IncomingMessage, typeof http.ServerResponse> | undefined> | undefined;
    kill(): Promise<void> | undefined;
     * 启动 HTTPS 服务
    startServer(app?: App): Promise<{
        key: string;
        cert: string;
        host: string;
        port: number | string;
        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined;
        redirect?: boolean | undefined;
export { type AppType, CertificateManager, type CertificateManagerOptions, HttpsAdapter, HttpsEnabler, type MiddlewareType, type RawReplyDefaultExpression, type RawRequestDefaultExpression, type RawServerBase, type SamePortOptions, type ServerInstance, type ServerOptions, samePortSSL };