All files / packages/core/dist index.cjs

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'use strict';
const node_events = require('node:events');
const mkcert = require('@https-enable/mkcert');
const http = require('node:http');
const net = require('node:net');
const process = require('node:process');
const tls = require('node:tls');
const Logger = require('@https-enable/logger');
function _interopDefaultCompat (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e.default : e; }
const http__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(http);
const net__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(net);
const process__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(process);
const tls__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(tls);
const Logger__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(Logger);
const defaultCA = {
  organization: "",
  countryCode: "",
  state: "",
  locality: "",
  force: false
class CertificateManager extends node_events.EventEmitter {
  constructor(options) {
    if ("base" in options) {
      const { base, } = options;
      this.pathOptions = { base };
      this.options = {
    } else {
      const { cert, key, } = options;
      this.pathOptions = { cert: options.cert, key: options.key };
      this.options = {
    this.currentCert = this.loadExistingCert();
   * 初始化证书(生成或加载现有)
  async initialize(force) {
    const verifyRes = await this.validCert();
    if ((force ?? this.options.force) || !verifyRes?.match)
      return await this.generateNewCert(this.options.cache);
    return this.currentCert;
  async validCert() {
    if (!this.currentCert)
      return null;
    return await mkcert.verifyCertificate(this.currentCert.key, this.currentCert.cert);
   * 确保当前证书有效
   * @description 无效证书则自动重新创建
  async ensureValidCert() {
    const verifyRes = await this.validCert();
    if (!verifyRes?.match) {
      await this.generateNewCert(this.options.cache);
  async generateNewCert(isCache) {
    this.currentCert = await mkcert.createCertificate(this.options, this.pathOptions, isCache);
    this.emit("cert-renewed", { ...this.currentCert });
    return this.currentCert;
  // 加载证书
  loadExistingCert() {
    return mkcert.readCertificate(this.pathOptions);
function samePortSSL(app, options) {
  const isRedirect = options.redirect ?? false;
  const host =;
  const port = Number(options.port);
  const tcpserver = net__default.createServer();
  let server = http__default.createServer(options, app);
  const redirectServer = http__default.createServer(isRedirect ? (req, res) => (res.writeHead(302, { location: `https://${ || req.url}` }), res.end()) : app);
  tcpserver.listen(port, host);
  tcpserver.on("connection", (socket) => {
    socket.once("data", (data) => {
      if (data[0] === 22) {
        const sock = new tls__default.TLSSocket(socket, { isServer: true, ...options });
        server.emit("connection", sock);
      } else {
        redirectServer.emit("connection", socket);
        socket.emit("data", data);
      process__default.nextTick(() => socket.resume());
  class ServerInstance {
    isAlive = true;
     * Kill the server
     * @returns A promise that resolves when the server ends
    kill() {
      return new Promise((resolve, fail) => {
        tcpserver.close((err) => {
          if (typeof err === "undefined") {
            this.isAlive = false;
          } else {
     * Change the server options
     * @param newOptions The new server options
     * @param newOptions.cert cert content
     * @param newOptions.key key content
    async refresh(newOptions) {
      if (newOptions && newOptions.cert && newOptions.key && typeof newOptions.cert === "string" && typeof newOptions.key === "string") {
        const verify = await mkcert.verifyCertificate(newOptions.key, newOptions.cert);
        if (!verify.match)
        options = { ...options, ...newOptions };
        return server = http__default.createServer(options, app);
  return new Promise((resolve) => tcpserver.on("listening", () => resolve(new ServerInstance())));
class HttpsAdapter {
  constructor(app) { = app;
  serverInstance = null;
   * 启动 HTTPS 服务(可选,部分框架需要自定义逻辑)
  async createServer(options, app) {
    let tempApp = app ??;
    if (this.init && typeof this.init === "function") {
      tempApp = await this.init();
    if (!tempApp && ! {
      throw new Error("`app` is no found");
    this.serverInstance = await samePortSSL(tempApp ??, options);
    return this.serverInstance;
function createLogFormat(colorize = false) {
  return Logger__default.createLogFormat(colorize, "https-enabler");
const logger = new Logger__default({
  format: createLogFormat(),
  transports: [
    new Logger.Transports.Console({
      format: createLogFormat(true)
class HttpsEnabler extends node_events.EventEmitter {
  constructor(config) {
    this.adapter = config.adapter;
    if (!this.adapter) {
      throw logger.error("Must provide the adapter");
    if (! && (!this.adapter.init || typeof this.adapter.init !== "function") || typeof this.adapter.createServer !== "function") {
      throw logger.error("The adapter is invalid");
    this.options = config.options;
    this.certificateOptions = config.certificateOptions;
    this.certManager = new CertificateManager(this.certificateOptions);
    this.certManager.on("cert-renewed", async (newCert) => {
      this.emit("cert-renewed", newCert);
      await this.adapter.serverInstance?.refresh(newCert);
  async init() {
    await this.certManager.initialize().catch((err) => this.emit("error", err));
   * 生成框架特定的中间件
  middleware() {
    return this.adapter.createMiddleware?.(this.options);
  refresh(options) {
    if (!this.adapter.serverInstance)
    return this.adapter.serverInstance.refresh(options);
  kill() {
    if (!this.adapter.serverInstance)
    return this.adapter.serverInstance.kill();
   * 启动 HTTPS 服务
  async startServer(app) {
    await this.certManager.ensureValidCert();
    if (typeof this.adapter.createServer === "function" && this.certManager.currentCert) {
      const options = { ...this.options, ...this.certManager.currentCert };
      await this.adapter.createServer(options, app);
      return options;
    } else {
      throw new TypeError("Unsupported framework: default server logic requires an app with listen()");
exports.CertificateManager = CertificateManager;
exports.HttpsAdapter = HttpsAdapter;
exports.HttpsEnabler = HttpsEnabler;
exports.samePortSSL = samePortSSL;